Keeping the Faith with Music
"Addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart"
~Ephesians 5:19
Cheryl Maloney
Music Minister
Music at Emmaus is best described as eclectic. As Anglicans, we always have one or two classic hymns. These hymns are full of doctrine, rich poetry, and interesting harmonies. They elevate the mind, and communicate beauty and truth.
Each service has a piece from the charismatic stream. These are songs more from the heart than the head. We are moved not just by thoughts, but by feelings. We worship from a posture of humility and honesty.
In the midst of lifting up our heart and minds towards God, we also strive to listen for the direction of the Holy Spirit. Silence, waiting, responding are crucial.
Authentic worship is congregational.
Authentic worship is beautiful, dignified, and elevating.
Authentic worship is honest and heartfelt.
Authentic worship participates in what's going on in heaven, with the church in glory, angels, archangels, giving praise, and listening for the Father's voice.
Each service has a piece from the charismatic stream. These are songs more from the heart than the head. We are moved not just by thoughts, but by feelings. We worship from a posture of humility and honesty.
In the midst of lifting up our heart and minds towards God, we also strive to listen for the direction of the Holy Spirit. Silence, waiting, responding are crucial.
Authentic worship is congregational.
Authentic worship is beautiful, dignified, and elevating.
Authentic worship is honest and heartfelt.
Authentic worship participates in what's going on in heaven, with the church in glory, angels, archangels, giving praise, and listening for the Father's voice.

The Choir
The Choir meets each Sunday for one hour of practice (9:30-10:15). Besides sharing a special piece once a month, the choir is a small sub-group of the congregation. Choir members lead worship, so prayer is an integral part of preparation for worship.
The choir has sung original pieces, Handel's Hallelujah Chorus, and other pieces from the Messiah, African-American and Shaker spirituals, and with Michael Card. Eclectic is the word!
All are welcome. Come join the Choir!
The choir has sung original pieces, Handel's Hallelujah Chorus, and other pieces from the Messiah, African-American and Shaker spirituals, and with Michael Card. Eclectic is the word!
All are welcome. Come join the Choir!

Instrumentalists add their gifts whenever possible. Trumpets, trombone, guitar, cello, drums, flute, recorder, all have played, and are welcome. If you have a gift, we look forward to hearing it!